About the NOMF
The Northern Ontario Music Festival was founded in 1977, as the Northern Ontario Band Festival. Since then the NOMF has become an integral part of the music education and performance seasons of many Northeastern Ontario schools. The festival has long been a showcase* for musical excellence from the elementary school level up to college, university and community levels.
*The Northern Ontario Music Festival is a qualifying regional festival for Musicfest Canada. Please go to http://www.musicfest.ca for Concert Band and Instrumental Jazz Syllabi.
The NOMFestival Committee:
Carolyn Otto -Regional Co-ordinator/Festival Director
Colette Nadeau & David Young -Equipment & Sponsorships
Rachel Whitehead -Festival Host
Jack Broumpton, Mitchell McIntyre,
Kyle Millar, Meghan Sanderson
JoAnne Comisso & Dick Perras -Stage Hosts
Special Thanks:
Sudbury Secondary School
No Strings Attached Community Band
Sudbury Catholic District School Board
Long & McQuade Musical Instruments
Brian Cote -Technical Director, F. W. Sheridan Auditorium
Cory Ross
Michael Jensen